In April I’m Heading to Arizona to be in a movie 🐳

Lately there’s been a lot of dark clouds around me but the sun always find a way to shine through and tapped me on the forehead and letting me know that these clouds shall pass but it won’t be the last time they show up. While I’m dealing with the sciatic pain and getting better my OG hit me up about being in a movie. Before he even told me about it I’m like I’m down. This is something I’ve been wanting to do and I’ve been working towards it and then boom manifestation. It’s a pretty dope, I got a couple of lines. I’m just blessed for this opportunity to see what I’m made of. Then he hit Queen Lesa about assisting him in this movie and we was able to get some more homey’s involved. Just wow, in the mist of all this darkness we was able to cast these beautiful spells to propel is where we want to be. don’t underestimate the power of the tongue and the power of your heart. Between my granny passing and the sciatic pain I have a conjure up some of the biggest Magic hour ever produce.


“The Orca Series”


Two black man talking about Anime and how it changed them for the better