King Orca Evolution: King Kaiju (Part Two)

Welcome to the enthralling realm of King Kaiju, the second chapter of my dynamic Sea King album trilogy. In this video, I'm excited to unravel the intricacies of my creative journey with this album and how it seamlessly connects to the upcoming release, King Orca. Crafting King Kaiju presented me with a unique challenge; collaborating with Poly Rob and Badru, I found myself pushed outside my comfort zone, experimenting with diverse styles and rhythms. Although initially uncomfortable, these experiences have become integral to my growth, and I now embrace the diversity they bring. Throughout King Kaiju, I battled within myself, experiencing chaos and destruction alongside moments of healing, resulting in a dynamic and transformative musical journey.


Behind The Music: Creating Epic Finale For King Orca's Album


Behind the Mic: Margret McGlynn's Journey Narrating King Orca Album